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QQ炫舞 It s not goodbye

时间:2009/3/16 11:20:00人气:0作者:佚名我要评论(0)



     Now what if I never kiss your lips again
     Or feel the touch of your sweet embrace.
     How would I ever go on?,
     Without you there's no place to belong
     Well someday love is going to lead you back to me,
     But till it does I'll have an empty heart.
     So I'll just have to believe some where out there you're thinking of me
     Till the day I let you go,
     Till we say our next hello its not goodbye.
     Till I see you again
     I'll be right here remembering when.
     And if time is on our side
     There will be no tears to cry on down the road
     There is one thing I can't deny its not goodbye

     You think I'd be strong enough to make it through
     And rise above when the rain falls down.
     But it so hard to be strong when you've been missing somebody so long
     It's just a matter of time I'm sure,
     Well time takes time and I can't hold on,
     So won't you try as hard as you can
     Put my broken heart together again?
     Till the day I let you go,
     until we say our next hello its not goodbye.
     Till I see you again
     I'll be right here remembering when.
     And if time is on our side
     there will be no tears to cry on down the road
     there is one thing I can't deny its not goodbye

     It's not goodbye.....
     Till the day I'll let you go,
     until we say our next hello its not goodbye.
     Till I see you again
     I'll be right here remembering when.
     And if time is on our side
     there will be no tears to cry on down the road
     And I can't deny it's not goodbye
     Till the day I'll let you go,
     Till we say our next hello its not goodbye.
     Its not goodbye
     Till I see you
     I'll be right here remembering when
     Time is on our side
     No more tears to cry
     And I cant deny
     It's not goodbye
     no more tears to cry
     It's, it's not goodbye.
     It's not goodbye








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