So many words for the broken heart It's hard to see in a crimson love So hard to breathe Walk with me And maybe Nights of light so soon become Wild and free I could feel the sun Your every wish will be done
They tell me...
Show me the meaning of being lonely (Being lonely) Is this the feeling I need to walk with Tell me why Tell me why I can't be there where you are (where you are) There's something missing in my heart
Life goes on as it never ends Eyes of stone observe the trends They never say forever gaze if only Guilty roads to an endless love There's no control Are you with me now Your every wish will be done They tell me
CHORUS - repeat
There's nowhere to run I have no place to go Surrender my heart' body and soul How can it be you're asking me To feel the things you never show
You are missing in my heart Tell me why I can't be there where you are
CHORUS - repeat
在这里简短的向大家介绍一下后街男孩的成长历程,有的地方可能有些不对,请大家谅解。首先,后街男孩诞生于美国的奥兰多。 成员为:Nick , Kevin , Brian , Howie d , AJ
五个才华洋溢的少年,不仅舞跳得好、长相俊美、更重要的是他们个个是充满音乐天分的奇才。1994年初成军时仍只是初生之犊不畏虎的小毛头,一年之后,他们推出了第一盘同名专辑,迅速在英国窜红,勇夺英国各大排行榜首位,他们以令人耳目一新的歌和优美的和声,成为无数少男少女的偶像。他们乘胜追击, 终于在歌坛高手云集的祖国红了起来,成为众所瞩目的新偶像,他们就是——“後街男孩”! “後街男孩”的五个成员中,Kevin和Brian来自深受音乐及宗教影响的家庭,从小即在教堂圣乐和唱诗班的熏陶下长大,因此练就了一流的灵魂乐合音式唱腔。之后Kevin决定离开家乡出外打拼,先在迪士尼乐园当导游,同时剩余的时间都致力于成为专业的词曲作家。 另外的三名成员,A.J.、Howie、Nick则来自奥兰多。这三个人原本分别活跃 于演艺界,演过音乐剧;拍过电影、电视、广告。有一天,这三个人凑在一起准备替一个新案子试音时,突然发现他们气味相投,于是一拍即合;加上离开家乡出来打天下的Kevin、Brian,五个满怀理想的少年组成一个以优美合音见长的乐团,并以奥兰多最出名的地标为名,“新好男孩”于是诞生! 首支单曲“We've go it goin' on”是由Ace of Base的制作人Denniz Pop操刀制作,这首舞曲展现了男孩们活力四射的青春气息,在欧陆方面成绩不俗,在奥地利、瑞士、荷兰、法国等均有打入十名内的嘉绩。接下来的“I'll never break your heart”是首抒情曲,成功地为他们打开了欧洲的知名度。成绩最好的一首单曲则是“Get Down(You are the one for me)”,在国内也由杜德伟翻唱为“发烧”一曲,其惊人的魅力由此可见一斑。 这五个能歌善舞的後街男孩,带着阳光般的笑容,征服全球。首张专辑已获得了四白金,更在舞曲王国的德国、瑞士蝉联冠军.